Thursday, January 28, 2010

A letter from a listener

I received the following letter last night from a listener to my Radio Liberty interview.  I asked her if I could publish her note and she agreed to let me do so if I withheld her identity.  Here is her note in full.

Hi again, Mr. Smith.
I had to listen to the Dr. Stan broadcast re the Georgia Guidestones again. Something in my spirit is so stirred up. I do listen to most of Dr. Stan's speakers, but I don't remember when the spirit in me has been so stirred up.
An aside: I, too, have 5 wonderful children; I raised them by myself.  Well, my only son drowned a few months ago, and he is with the Lord, but he was the one who even knew more than I.  He had been following a lot of things for about 25 years.
Anyway, the Lord seems to show me things that are going to happen from time to time.  Believe me, I am just a "Joe Blow" middle-aged mom, but I have led my 30 years of being born again by just following our Lord.
I am going to risk sharing some things with you.  You are a scientist, but I believe He wants to use each of us together as He will. I am nervous here, so, Lord, I ask that you guide what I share with my brother, and let him judge by Your Holy Spirit.
Some things He has shown me have come to pass, and I will just say a few "bottom lines," but these were all shared with friends and family before they happened, and I am sure I am not the only one this happens to.
* I foresaw the Lord taking the pastor of the largest churches in our state capitol.  The Lord had me go to warn him, but to no avail.  He did die 6 months later. There are many other details that I won't go into.
* I saw what happened to the Twin Towers a couple of months prior to 9/11 in another morning vision, I guess you'd say.  Also detailed.
* I saw the tsunami, also in similar manner a couple of months prior to the event.
Now, I want to ask you, what type of weapon disintegrates living things but not buildings? [ed: a neutron bomb, or perhaps a bioweapon]  This I saw in detail, but He protected me. I was left standing, even though the person next to me was vaporized like so much ash that floated to the ground. It came in a huge wave disintegrating all living in its path.
And our country being invaded from the southern border by hoards in tan shirts and pants, and some with Uzies. But again, I was protected, meaning His true believers, I think.
Again a huge mudslide along the Mississippi River following a nuclear explosion up in the N.E. (it was set off on the ground with foreknowledge, because I knew that the President and his band were gone from that area before it happened).
The eruption of Mt. Hood, that I see clearly from here, and possibly more in the string of mountains that go down the Pacific Coast.
I know this sounds all wild.  I am just telling you what I believe his Holy Spirit has shown me.  There are so many false words out there, and I have seen alot of that. I just needed to share with someone whom I think the Lord is also using to warn. I have not known what to do about any of this except pray and ask others to pray. Well, I don't know about all this, but there you go, Mr. Smith. You might think I'm another nut, but people who know me, I think, would say that I am careful not to add one word more or subtract one word.  I would fear that.
Wouldn't expect an answer, and you could just chalk it up, but we ask the Holy Spirit to witness.
Thank you, and may the Lord continue to use you by His power that works within you for His purposes.
Oh, I also feel that it will not be our Lord's hand in a lot of the coming catastrophes, but I think He will be blamed.
Respectfully, Anonymous


  1. I notified the author of the email. If you send me your email address, I will forward it to her. My email address is
